R U OK? Day with our Hospitality Students

R U OK? Day is a reminder that even the smallest conversations can have a big impact.

R U OK? Day, is dedicated to raising awareness about mental health and encouraging open conversations. It’s a day to remind ourselves and others of the importance of checking in and offering support to those around us.

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to overlook the small gestures that make a big difference. A simple question like "R U OK?" can open doors to meaningful conversations and provide much-needed support. This day is about more than just asking the question; it’s about being present, listening, and showing empathy.

The cupcakes baked by our Hospitality students are more than just a treat—they symbolise the warmth and care that we hope to spread through our community. Whether it’s sharing a moment over coffee or simply taking a few minutes to connect, these actions can have a profound impact on someone’s day

As we enjoy these sweet creations, let’s remember the underlying message of R U OK Day. Let’s make an effort to check in on our friends, family, and colleagues. Sometimes, just knowing that someone cares can make a world of difference.

For more useful resources click here.

Our Hospitality students whipped up some delicious carrot cupcakes in support of R U OK? Day, promoting the message of reaching out and checking in with one another.


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