Our Partners


Melbourne Polytechnic

OAE partners with Melbourne Polytechnic and  the Melbourne AMEP consortium to deliver the Federally funded Skills for Education and Employment Program (SEE) and the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP)

Northern SEE

OAE is a member of the Northern SEE consortium that together was successful in securing the federally funded Skills for Education and Employment Program (SEE). This program has ensured free access to Language, Literacy and Numeracy classes for people registered with Centrelink or a Job Active Agency and is made up of the following organisations: PRACE and Melbourne Polytechnic.

The Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business.

Melbourne AMEP

OAE is part of the Melbourne Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) consortium. Through the program you can study in any of our English classes. If you are a Humanitarian student you may be eligible for extra hours. As part of the AMEP you must do a Settlement Course to introduce you to life in Australia. AMEP provides other services including:

  • child care which is available while you are in class

  • a counselling service

  • free translation of your qualifications and other documents

The Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) is funded by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs.

Banyule Community Health

Banyule City Council

Exodus Community


Himilo Community Connect

The Social Studio

Learn Local

Skills first

The Rotary Club of Ivanhoe

Bendigo Community Bank