22637VIC Course in EAL

These accredited classes are for learners with basic English language skills who want to improve their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.

This course is a fee for service course.

Course Details:

  • When: Monday - Wednesday

  • Time: 9.30am-3pm with a 30 minute break at 12pm each day.

  • Location: depending on the class you are in, you will either be located at:

    • Bellfield Community Hub; 15 Daphne Crescent, Bellfield OR

    • 233 Southern Road Heidelberg West on Monday & Tuesdays & 155 Oriel Road, Heidelberg West on Wednesdays.

Register your interest below or get in contact with our office by phoning us on (03) 9087 1155.

About English as an Additional Language Accredited

An appointment is necessary to determine the correct course for you. You can enrol at any time.

These courses are subject to sufficient enrolments.

To express your interest in the course, fill out the form below or call the office on 9087 1155.


22637VIC Course in EAL


22638VIC Certificate I in EAL (Access)